storm row studio copy
a copywriting, copyediting, proofreading, fact-checking, research service
Paragraphs are made of sentences.
Sentences are made of words.
Words are made of letters.
Writing is done one letter at a time.
Still, sometimes, when you need to communicate a concise, impactful point, putting one letter after another seems impossible. Or the letters come, but there are too many words. Or the words don’t feel right. Or maybe it’s the order of the sentences. And you definitely need to fact-check. Frustrated, you stop and wonder how you’ll ever convey your important idea.
It can be done and storm row studio copy can assist.
Whether you need help with content creation or its partner tasks, research, fact-checking, editing, or proofreading, storm row studio copy can compile, correct, or polish the words, sentences, and paragraphs you need to make your point. To connect with readers, all content needs good grammar & construction and weighted & direct information. Consistency in format, style, voice, and story elements keeps the message, brand, or plot and its characters in the spotlight. A trick to making content purposeful and enticing is world building, one of my well developed, often used skills. And the trick to error free copy is intense attention to detail, an innate trait of mine.
I aim to use my talent and love for written language to improve messaging, clarify communication, and advance artful storytelling.
For this reason, I copy write, fact-check, research, copyedit, proofread, including cold reading, for:
fiction & non-fiction manuscripts
short stories, essays, op-eds, issue reporting articles
internal web based platforms for private clients/customers or employees
press releases
marketing materials, like:
business cards
event, brand, or service postcards
brand, service, or product zines
social media platforms
If you have a writing project that needs another set of eyes, drop me a note and we can discuss your needs, timeline, and budget.
I Look Forward to Hearing From You: stormrowstudio (at) gmail (dot) com