
rmack: bookmaker, the backstory

Art is personal. And no matter the type of art, work isn’t created in a vacuum. Each day craftspeople of all kinds come into contact with hundreds of process-affecting, idea-shaping things. What we do with those things matters. Use what inspires. Discard what distracts. Trust that the system works.

So, let's go back about ten years. To the day I read five quickly-written pages to a critique group. If I remember correctly, the pages got mixed reviews, but after reading aloud, I knew these not-a-story-yet pages meant something. The characters and events described on those pages were loosely inspired by my past, but I had the distinct feeling that, in order to develop a novel, I’d need to be inspired by the future. Inspired by things that hadn't happened yet. Important things.

Since that time, I have been inspired by current events and have added hundreds of written pages to the original five. I’ve submitted samples for professional critique and to agents and editors to consider for sale and publication. Different from the critique group meeting ten-ish years ago, the feedback improved and stabilized. I received encouraging words, direction, and invitations to resubmit revisions. As this writing-editing-submitting process proceeded, the world—our country—evolved and the future actually arrived. Present day circumstances changed the book. Changed me. And a few months ago, I stood, looking ahead, wondering, Where do I go from here?

I kinda knew the answer.

The thing is, last year was tough for me on many levels, but through the noise and mess four process-affecting, idea-shaping things showed up and stuck with me. Those things were:

The book A Glorious Freedom by artist Lisa Congdon (link below)

Graphic memoir author Lucy Knisley's Patreon page (link below)

An online novel-sharing project by author & blogger Lee Wind (link below)


Two lines of poetry from American poet Muriel Rukeyser

Individually, each of these affected the way I thought about my work. Together, though, their collective message filled my creative heart.

The message was:

Be honest. Show your work.

My inner voice chimed in:

Show work? Now? When nothing's perfect?

That's when I had the what-am-I-waiting-for moment. I told myself:

Nothing will ever be perfect. So, yes, now. I must tell the truth about my creative life now.

Joining Patreon was the first step. It was scary as hell. Still is. Next up is rmack: bookmaker and I'm feeling just as scared. But if somewhere, beyond today, I want bookmaking to be part of my normal creative process, I must begin. I hope you enjoy following along.

Episodes of rmack: bookmaker, the backstory

Mon Feb 26 - rmack: bookmaker, inspired by
Thurs March 1 - rmack: bookmaker, introducing Night Flyer


Want to know more about the four inspirations above? Click links below.